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Job Role
Ex-regular Forces Reserve
Job Role

Ex-regular Forces Reserve

Use your existing experience and expertise to make a vital contribution to essential global operations.

  • No qualifications
  • Surface Fleet
  • Royal Naval Reserve
  • Rating level

At a glance

If you’re a former Royal Navy rating or officer, you have a unique wealth of skills and experience. The discipline, the teamwork, the leadership. And we still have a real need for that expertise, so why not enjoy the best of both worlds in the Royal Naval Reserve?
Royal Navy Reserves in uniform.
I remain fully engaged and committed and actively encourage those who have left or are leaving the RN to consider the RNR.


Ex–regular Reserve Officer

Role details

What you’ll do

We know that as a former Royal Navy Officer or Rating, you have a unique wealth of skills and experience. And the Royal Naval Reserve still have a real need for that expertise. If you left the Royal Navy under two years ago and were fully-trained, you would be eligible for the Firefly Scheme, a fast track process that takes into consideration your rank and valuable experience.

Your role

  • Use your Naval background to open up specialist jobs that will provide opportunities to serve at sea, as well as ashore.
  • Use your existing discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills to get the most out of civilian and military life.
  • Travel the world, experiencing a wide range of new environments. You’ll be making a vital contribution to the essential operations that help us protect our nation’s interests.

Pay & benefits

  • Extra pay and allowances if you’re mobilised
  • Annual tax-free bounty subject to meeting the minimum training commitment
  • Paid leave in proportion to the number of training days attended
  • Automatic membership of the non-contributory Armed Forces Pension Scheme
  • Expenses and allowances when training
  • Continued access to the Royal Navy’s superb sports and fitness facilities

Skills for life

Qualifications you'll gain

  • Continuing your professional military education
  • Professional and vocational qualifications depending on your chosen branch and role

Skills you'll develop

  • Enhance your professional military skills
  • Opportunities to pass on your skills and experience through leadership, mentoring and instruction


  • You’ll need to be aged 16 to 56 for a Rating role and 20 to 56 for an Officer role
  • Qualification requirements vary depending on the role

Skills & Interests

  • Motivated to continue service 
  • A desire to be part of a team
  • A need for adventure
  • Maintained physical and mental fitness

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