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5894 Articles match search criteria

Remarkable Royal Navy medal haul expected to fetch £2m at auction

02 July 2024

Topic:PeopleHonours and awards

Storyline: Fundraising

Navy divers honour bomb disposal hero with new medals for his WW2 deeds

01 July 2024


Storyline: Diving

105-year-old veteran belatedly recognised for his actions in Second World War

28 June 2024

Topic:PeopleHonours and awards

Storyline: The Fighting Arms

Royal Navy hosts rehabilitation triathlon for service personnel

28 June 2024


Storyline: HMNB Devonport

Navy Helicopter engineering boffins swap the workshop for the outdoors to test skills in the field

27 June 2024

Topic:Fighting armsFleet Air Arm

Storyline: 1710 NAS

Submariners recognised for hard work in specialist areas with award wins

26 June 2024

Topic:Fighting armsSubmarine Service

Storyline: Submarine Service

Carrier hangar turns concert venue for Navy’s premier charity

26 June 2024


Storyline: HMS Prince of Wales

Royal Navy trial smallest ships as a launchpad for mine hunting operations

25 June 2024

Topic:Fighting armsSurface Fleet

Storyline: Surface Fleet

Naval engineers complete 8,000-mile move of vintage aircraft to Falklands museum

25 June 2024


Storyline: Community

Royal Marines Musicians perform poignant tribute for seriously-ill bandmate

24 June 2024

Topic:Fighting armsRoyal Marines

Storyline: Community

International warships gather in Glasgow for NATO exercises

21 June 2024

Scope for extended patrol ship operations after HMS Tamar’s successful link-up with US Navy tender
Royal Marines master the Baltic coastline alongside Swedish allies

19 June 2024

Topic:Fighting armsRoyal Marines

Storyline: Baltops

‘Good Samaritan’ praised for saving Royal Navy officer’s life after horrific road accident in Spain

18 June 2024

Topic:PeopleHonours and awards

Storyline: Success Stories

Royal Navy’s appearance in Paris celebrates anniversary of Anglo-French connection

17 June 2024

Topic:Fighting armsSurface Fleet

Storyline: HMS Trumpeter

Sailors and Royal Marines have been recognised by His Majesty the King for their dedication and ingenuity

14 June 2024

Topic:PeopleHonours and awards

Storyline: Success Stories