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286 Articles match search criteria

HMS Lancaster supports British Government in Sudan evacuation
HMS Dauntless declared ready for the front-line after intensive workout

26 April 2023

Topic:Operational activityTraining

Storyline: HMS Dauntless

Royal Navy-led task force snares £17m illegal drugs in Middle East

25 April 2023

Topic:Operational activity

Storyline: CTF 150

Royal, US and French Navies complete major minehunting workout in Gulf
Bring it on say HMS Kent after intensive pre-deployment workout

18 April 2023

Topic:Operational activityTraining

Storyline: HMS Kent

Royal Navy Led International Force continues to deliver Maritime Security during focused operations

14 April 2023

Topic:Operational activity

Storyline: Indian Ocean

Fjord focus as Norwegian and UK navies develop fast boat tactics

13 April 2023

Topic:Operational activityTraining

Storyline: Surface Fleet

Royal Navy ships take lessons and fond memories from Indian visits

05 April 2023

Topic:Operational activity

Storyline: HMS Tamar

UK and US to work more closely on littoral operations
HMS Portland puts would-be submarine captains through their paces
Royal Navy’s Gulf forces complete world’s second-largest maritime exercise

20 March 2023

Topic:Operational activitySecurity at Sea

Storyline: Gulf

HMS Duncan exercises with French carrier in the Mediterranean
HMS Tamar protects paradise in rare visit to UK’s Indian Ocean territory

09 March 2023

Topic:Operational activity

Storyline: Indian Ocean

Navy’s top navigators of tomorrow earn their spurs in two-week workout on HMS Mersey

02 March 2023

Topic:Operational activityTraining

Storyline: HMS Mersey

HMS Lancaster seizes anti-tank missiles after high-speed chase in Gulf of Oman

02 March 2023

Topic:Operational activitySecurity at Sea

Storyline: HMS Lancaster

Royal Navy joins Middle East’s largest naval exercise to push technology and training boundaries