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Organisation / Units & Squadrons
700X Naval Air Squadron
Organisation / Units & Squadrons

700X Naval Air Squadron

The ‘X’ in 700X stands for ‘experimental’ – and for good reason. The unit was formed to oversee the development and innovation of cutting-edge remote-piloted flight systems within the Royal Navy.

700 X NAS


Remotely-piloted air systems (RPAS) - better known as drones – play an important role across the whole of the Armed Forces.

Led Lieutenant Commander Marcus Pennant, 700X Naval Air Squadron is the Royal Navy’s drone expert unit. Although based at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose, the squadron has developed nearby Predannack Airfield as a centre to train and test RPAS and their operators.

The squadron has a team of deployable flights which use the Puma RPAS for surveillance. Lightweight and easy to launch without the need for flight deck, these versatile drones extend the range of a warship’s sensors to scout out targets or suspect vessels. 700X Naval Air Squadron also trains teams of Royal Marine Commandoes how to use Puma RPAS for reconnaissance.

The squadron is also evaluating the use of jet Banshee drones, which have a far greater rage and speed than the Puma. Developing safe practices and understanding the capabilities of such technology is vital as the Royal Navy moves ahead in this field of emerging technology.

700X Naval Air Squadron also provides training across Defence in the use of RPAS and quadcopters. The squadron includes a team dedicated to researching new systems and evaluating their use within the Royal Navy.

Operating under the motto ‘Experientia Docet’ – ‘Experience Teaches’ – the squadron has a long history of testing cutting-edge new aircraft including the Merlin and Wildcat helicopters.

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