Water Events Diary and organising events in the Port

The Water Events Diary provides details of planned events. This section also provides additional advice on organising and co-ordinating events to ensure that the many diverse recreational events within the port can be undertaken safely.

Water Events Diary

The aim of the Water Events Diary (WED) is to minimise interference between activities within the Dockyard Port of Plymouth and to facilitate all water borne activities, be they undertaken by service, commercial or private users, to be conducted safely.

The WED is published annually in late November and regularly updated thereafter. Any organisation / individual planning on conducting an event afloat should initially pass details to KHM at Longroom House (KHM Tel: 01752 836953 Email: [email protected]).

A Water Events Information Document (WEID) has been created to assist organisers with compiling the relevant information required by KHM and also acts as a simple check-off list for most routine events.Guidance on completion of the WEID and conducting an event are included on the form.

Water Events Diary

Water Event Information

Click below to download the Water Event Information Documents (WEID).

Water Event Information Document

Risk Assessment

This section of the Water Events Diary aims to point organisers of recreational events on the waters of the Dockyard Port towards identifying what risks may be associated with their event and acts as a catalyst to how they address them. Any organised activity on the waters of the Dockyard Port - MOD, commercial or recreational -has some risk associated with it. The organisers of the activity own the risks, but they are also carried by the statutory harbour authority, KHM. The organisers of recreational events are required to identify their risks and, by using safety management, make them tolerable so that the participants may safely enjoy their recreational activity, also assuring the safety of others who are not participating. KHM needs to know that the imported risks above background levels do not have an untenable consequential impact and do not compromise the safety of the port.

The process is nothing new and many event organisers already undertake risk assessments and implement safety management systems – although they may not formally identify their processes as such. The terms risk assessment and safety management can intimidate, but in reality they are part of our every day lives. Organised lower risk events happen afloat every day – the diary section of the WED lists many; most of these are covered by the process of the Water Events Checkoff List – itself a risk assessment and safety management tool, some events demand that a more rigorous approach be taken.