All times have been corrected to local
Tides on: 30/06/2024
Sunrise 04:55
Sunset 21:21
HW 06:52 4.2m
LW 12:19 1.4m
HW 18:32 4.4m
LW -
SP NP 2.9m 50%

Report an Incident

Please use this form to report incidents.  Incident reports will usually only be responded to during office hours from Monday to Friday. Over holiday periods the office period the office will not be fully manned and replies may take some time. If the incident poses an immediate danger to other port users or involves marine pollution, please contact Harbour Control (24/7) on 023 9272 3694.

Please complete as many of the fields as possible as all information is of value to us.

Alternatively, you may download and print this form, which allows more detail to be included. This should then be emailed to [email protected] or posted to KHM Portsmouth, Semaphore Tower, HM Naval Base Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 3LT. 

Your Details
Date of Incident*
Time Of Incident*

Where & When
Describe the incident

Please provide the following information about the incident: Name of vessel(s), Type of vessel(s), Length, Beam, Draught, Material

Weather & Conditions